Friday 4 January 2019

Chapter 3 Love and well-being,
To facilitate well-being in others it causes me to reflect on what it means to have a good level of well-being myself.
To me it's a level of health with fluctuations, it's the health of ones mind, body and spirit working together to create a sense that all is well. With good well-being we can cope with the imperfections of life and we are resilient.
A good level of well-being means we don't just survive life but we thrive and enjoy life.

I believe love has a big impact on our well-being, when we can give and receive love without fear it creates a wonderful energy, it fuels our well-being.
So often we stay in relationships with people who bring us down, we choose people who are wrong for us, we try and make them right and we get broken in the process.

Through painful experiences we can learn the most valuable lessons, maybe there is no such thing as a mistake. Perhaps our souls are preparing and learning so that they can recognise a healthy, positive relationship.
Through learning about what is toxic to us we are able to understand more fully who we are, what hurts us and what is good for us. We can then recognise healthy love.

We can transform ourselves through painful experiences. We can become healed, whole and strong ready for true love.

When we find true love it is not about drama, it is not about stress and sleepless nights, it is not about trying to be something you are not or about trying to make someone else into something they are not.
It feels calm and caring, it is about acceptance, it is about staying true to yourself but feeling empowered to be the best version of you that you possibly can be.

So having learned my lessons I will ensure my well-being is at a good level by steering clear of toxic relationships, loving in a whole hearted yet healthy way, keeping my body healthy, being kind to myself and others and expressing my creativity where ever possible......and so on with designing my game!

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